Autonet uses temporary addresses for its dialin users. The good news is that we're approaching 50,000 ports. The bad news is that this equates to 100,000 DNS database entries (forward and reverse). We're running BIND 4.9.3. Since the address <-> name mapping is deterministic (the address can be derived from the name string, and the name string from the address) it should be possible to hack BIND to recognise these addresses and respond. Has anyone done anything like this? For that matter, how do most people handle temporary address pools? Do they even bother with DNSing them? -- David L. Hares, Senior Staff Programmer ADP Autonet Phone: (313) 995-6539 175 Jackson Plaza FAX : (313) 995-6458 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (USA) Email: dhares@autonet.net