MFNs status page is: http://www.mfn.com/network/ip_networkstatus.shtm#sjc Jane Sean Donelan wrote:
On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Gerardo A. Gregory wrote:
Can someone from WorldComm please verify a fiber cut that happened today at around 11:30 am (Central). I have bveen informed that a fiber cut in Illinois (or Indiana) has been in effect (until just a few minutes) for all of the afternoon and most of the evening.
Worldcom is reporting a problems near Chicago. Earthlink is reporting problems affecting its customers in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio.
http://help.mindspring.com/netstatus/ http://www.noc.uu.net/
Cable & Wireless is showing delays out of Cleveland, Ohio
AT&T and Sprint aren't reporting any problems.
http://ipnetwork.bgtmo.ip.att.net/index.html http://www.sprint.net/
MFN's and PSI's network status pages have stopped working for me, so I don't know if they are having problems.
http://www.above.net/html/techlog.txt http://www.psi.net/cgi-bin/netstatus.pl5