today, at our lunchtime meeting, the nanog program committee selected a new chair, david meyer of cisco and university of oregon, and a new vice-chair, tom daly of dynamic network services. please join me in cogratulating them in person if you're here at nanog. for the past two years, ren provo has served as vice-chair of the program committee, a role that was basically created specifically for her. she has been critical in the development of the program committee into the open, active, and even somewhat-organized group that it is today. i'm proud to have worked with her on this project for the past two years and am extremely grateful for everything she has done. ren and i decided to resign our positions prior to the october meeting to ensure a smooth transition. we will both continue to serve as members of the program committee through the end of our current terms in october. NANOG has been getting better and better for the last several years. we're announcing locations much earlier and we're continuing to develop and experiment with the content to make it more relevant and more interesting for attendees. credit for these efforts certainly go to members of the steering and mailing list committees and to merit staff, but they also go to the program committee. the nanog program committee is full of some of the smartest, best people that i've ever worked with. it's a pleasure to be associated with them. eight (8) of the slots on the program committee will be opening up this october. if you'd like to work with other interesting people to make the nanog conference better, please consider submitting your name to be considered for one of these slots. the steering committee will announce details, or you can come see almost any member of the PC for more information. again, congratulations to dave and tom. cheers, todd underwood, outgoing chair for the program committee spots opening up in october _______________________________________________ NANOG-announce mailing list NANOG-announce@nanog.org http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce