Below is a pair of gross and ugly maps that Vadim Antonov and I have just drawn with xfig (apologies for the delay). The first slide is roughly what I drew freehand at the IETF meeting in San Jose, the second is the current working model we are tossing around in Engineering. Hopefully I'll have the pop-design, ICMnet and design rationale slides shortly, if not, I'll have them (and others) at NANOG. Sean. - -- # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # bbplan.ps # bbslide.ps # echo x - bbplan.ps sed 's/^X//' >bbplan.ps << 'END-of-bbplan.ps' X%!PS-Adobe-2.0 X%%Title: /tmp/xfig-fig027532 X%%Creator: fig2dev X%%CreationDate: Thu Jan 19 23:44:38 1995 X%%For: smd@isis.sprintlink.net (Sean Doran) X%%Orientation: Landscape X%%BoundingBox: 104 36 507 756 X%%Pages: 1 X%%EndComments X/$F2psDict 200 dict def X$F2psDict begin X$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put X/l {lineto} bind def X/m {moveto} bind def X/s {stroke} bind def X/n {newpath} bind def X/gs {gsave} bind def X/gr {grestore} bind def X/clp {closepath} bind def X/graycol {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul X4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor} bind def X/col-1 {} def X/col0 {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col1 {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col2 {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col3 {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col4 {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col5 {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col6 {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col7 {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X /DrawEllipse { X /endangle exch def X /startangle exch def X /yrad exch def X /xrad exch def X /y exch def X /x exch def X /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def X x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc X savematrix setmatrix X } def X X end X/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def X/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def X%%EndProlog X X$F2psBegin X0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin X75.5 40.0 translate 90 rotate 0.900 -0.900 scale X1.000 setlinewidth Xn 614.000 244.000 15.811 -161.565 -71.565 arc Xgs col0 s gr Xn 599.000 214.000 25.000 90.000 36.870 arcn Xgs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 349 111 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 169 369 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 350 371 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 130 3 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 149 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 169 111 10 3 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col-1 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 269 269 3 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col-1 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 429 229 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col-1 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 569 369 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 339 119 m 339 99 l 319 99 l 319 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 119 m 379 99 l 359 99 l 359 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 119 m 599 99 l 579 99 l 579 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 159 m 599 139 l 579 139 l 579 159 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 259 m 599 239 l 579 239 l 579 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 589 159 m 589 239 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 109 m 579 109 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 299 m 159 279 l 139 279 l 139 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 159 379 m 159 359 l 139 359 l 139 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 379 m 199 359 l 179 359 l 179 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 339 379 m 339 359 l 319 359 l 319 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 379 m 379 359 l 359 359 l 359 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 199 369 m 319 369 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 149 299 m 149 359 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 679 299 m 679 279 l 659 279 l 659 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 299 m 599 279 l 579 279 l 579 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth Xn 589 99 m 589 99 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 589 99 m 589 79 l gs col0 s gr Xn 329 99 m 329 99 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 249 m 99 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 259 m 99 239 l 79 239 l 79 259 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 239 m 79 199 l gs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 289 m 659 289 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 239 m 639 219 l 619 219 l 619 239 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 679 219 m 679 199 l 659 199 l 659 219 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 229 m 679 229 l 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 259 m 159 239 l 139 239 l 139 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 279 299 m 279 279 l 259 279 l 259 299 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 439 259 m 439 239 l 419 239 l 419 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 439 219 m 439 199 l 419 199 l 419 219 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 429 199 m 329 119 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 369 119 m 269 239 l gs col-1 s gr Xn 424 259 m 424 259 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 579 249 m 439 249 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 259 249 m 159 249 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 329 359 m 429 259 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 369 359 m 269 299 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 379 m 599 359 l 579 359 l 579 379 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 559 379 m 559 359 l 539 359 l 539 379 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 159 119 m 159 99 l 139 99 l 139 119 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 119 m 199 99 l 179 99 l 179 119 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 149 239 m 149 119 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 109 m 319 109 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 589 299 m 589 359 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 539 369 m 379 369 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 279 259 m 279 239 l 259 239 l 259 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 289 m 139 289 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 299 m 99 339 l 79 339 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 329 99 m 329 79 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 299 m 79 299 l 79 279 l 99 279 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 629 219 m 629 209 l 659 209 l gs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 329 39 m X 324.245 34.805 321.745 33.555 319 34 curveto X 316.685 34.376 315.762 38.270 314 39 curveto X 311.509 40.032 306.278 39.000 304 39 curveto X 301.722 39.000 294.805 37.055 294 39 curveto X 293.430 40.375 299.364 41.755 299 44 curveto X 298.424 47.549 290.375 44.875 289 49 curveto X 287.625 53.125 294.000 55.804 294 59 curveto X 294.000 62.196 287.300 66.250 289 69 curveto X 290.520 71.460 296.509 67.968 299 69 curveto X 300.762 69.730 301.685 73.624 304 74 curveto X 307.660 74.594 311.250 67.300 314 69 curveto X 315.230 69.760 313.185 72.682 314 74 curveto X 315.822 76.948 322.178 76.052 324 79 curveto X 324.815 80.318 322.625 82.625 324 84 curveto X 325.375 85.375 327.682 84.815 329 84 curveto X 331.948 82.178 329.875 75.375 334 74 curveto X 338.125 72.625 340.340 79.594 344 79 curveto X 348.629 78.249 350.477 70.459 354 69 curveto X 355.246 68.484 357.754 69.516 359 69 curveto X 360.762 68.270 362.238 64.730 364 64 curveto X 364.000 64.000 364.000 64.000 364 64 curveto X 366.948 62.178 368.377 56.639 369 54 curveto X 369.279 52.820 369.815 50.318 369 49 curveto X 367.178 46.052 361.024 46.024 359 44 curveto X 356.976 41.976 357.549 34.576 354 34 curveto X 351.755 33.636 351.315 38.624 349 39 curveto X 345.340 39.594 342.660 33.406 339 34 curveto X 336.685 34.376 335.762 38.270 334 39 curveto X 331.509 40.032 324.805 40.945 324 39 curveto X 323.573 37.969 324.823 36.719 329 34 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 589 39 m X 576.103 32.388 569.853 31.138 564 34 curveto X 560.578 35.674 560.139 41.722 559 44 curveto X 557.861 46.278 553.790 50.629 554 54 curveto X 554.339 59.436 562.687 64.662 564 69 curveto X 565.093 72.609 561.083 82.792 564 84 curveto X 568.125 85.709 572.266 67.907 579 69 curveto X 582.549 69.576 581.052 77.178 584 79 curveto X 585.318 79.815 587.797 79.364 589 79 curveto X 593.338 77.687 598.564 69.338 604 69 curveto X 607.371 68.790 610.340 74.594 614 74 curveto X 618.629 73.249 622.057 66.695 624 64 curveto X 625.536 61.869 629.000 57.196 629 54 curveto X 629.000 50.804 626.278 45.975 624 44 curveto X 620.779 41.206 612.946 39.152 609 39 curveto X 603.855 38.802 594.944 45.646 589 44 curveto X 587.471 43.576 586.221 42.326 584 39 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 289 m X 687.156 292.094 690.906 292.094 694 289 curveto X 698.125 284.875 690.528 278.099 694 274 curveto X 701.041 265.689 716.080 267.300 724 269 curveto X 728.695 270.008 734.358 277.947 739 279 curveto X 748.104 281.065 763.163 266.713 774 274 curveto X 780.319 278.249 780.646 288.056 779 294 curveto X 777.306 300.117 770.117 307.306 764 309 curveto X 758.056 310.647 748.971 304.118 744 304 curveto X 737.852 303.854 725.509 309.872 719 309 curveto X 716.146 308.618 712.008 304.214 709 304 curveto X 704.747 303.698 699.180 311.843 694 309 curveto X 688.935 306.220 687.685 301.220 689 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 249 m X 71.431 239.550 67.681 235.800 64 234 curveto X 54.672 229.438 33.543 228.424 24 229 curveto X 19.120 229.295 8.368 228.405 4 234 curveto X -1.297 240.785 -1.099 252.240 4 259 curveto X 11.425 268.843 29.815 269.200 39 269 curveto X 42.990 268.913 50.652 265.387 54 264 curveto X 57.551 262.529 62.551 260.029 74 254 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 199 m X 75.857 189.245 73.357 185.495 69 184 curveto X 63.904 182.252 58.253 189.302 54 189 curveto X 50.992 188.786 47.660 183.406 44 184 curveto X 41.685 184.376 39.730 187.238 39 189 curveto X 37.968 191.492 38.443 196.640 39 199 curveto X 39.623 201.639 43.377 206.361 44 209 curveto X 44.279 210.180 42.696 213.060 44 214 curveto X 48.125 216.973 55.334 209.595 59 209 curveto X 61.319 208.624 66.722 209.000 69 209 curveto X 70.139 209.000 72.754 209.516 74 209 curveto X 75.762 208.270 78.270 205.762 79 204 curveto X 79.387 203.066 79.387 201.816 79 199 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 739 239 m X 761.329 235.165 771.329 235.165 779 239 curveto X 785.392 242.196 796.024 250.425 794 259 curveto X 791.963 267.628 784.463 271.378 764 274 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 764 274 m X 738.371 276.459 727.121 276.459 719 274 curveto X 715.747 273.015 711.997 270.515 704 264 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 699.875 263.125 704.875 263.125 709 259 curveto X 714.500 253.500 703.500 244.500 709 239 curveto X 715.187 232.813 722.687 232.813 739 239 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 680.646 253.562 678.146 251.062 679 249 curveto X 679.000 249.000 679.000 249.000 679 249 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 209 m X 689.875 213.125 694.875 213.125 699 209 curveto X 703.125 204.875 694.875 198.125 699 194 curveto X 701.750 191.250 706.250 196.750 709 194 curveto X 711.750 191.250 706.303 186.211 709 184 curveto X 715.875 178.364 727.734 189.390 734 189 curveto X 737.886 188.758 744.553 183.405 749 184 curveto X 754.070 184.679 760.787 191.366 764 194 curveto X 766.521 196.066 774.000 198.500 774 204 curveto X 774.000 209.500 767.523 212.540 764 214 curveto X 762.754 214.516 760.151 213.858 759 214 curveto X 754.254 214.584 744.369 219.589 739 219 curveto X 736.089 218.680 731.639 214.623 729 214 curveto X 726.640 213.443 721.278 214.000 719 214 curveto X 714.444 214.000 704.500 219.500 699 214 curveto X 697.969 212.969 697.969 211.719 699 209 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 84 339 m X 84.000 344.791 84.000 347.291 84 349 curveto X 84.000 352.417 86.909 359.965 84 364 curveto X 80.934 368.254 73.253 369.302 69 369 curveto X 65.992 368.786 62.660 363.406 59 364 curveto X 56.685 364.376 56.133 368.496 54 369 curveto X 49.230 370.126 42.262 366.016 39 364 curveto X 36.082 362.197 30.459 357.523 29 354 curveto X 28.484 352.754 30.375 350.375 29 349 curveto X 26.250 346.250 21.637 350.630 19 349 curveto X 16.052 347.178 14.623 341.639 14 339 curveto X 13.164 335.459 10.822 328.071 14 324 curveto X 18.368 318.405 28.855 318.802 34 319 curveto X 37.946 319.152 45.054 323.848 49 324 curveto X 54.145 324.198 64.254 319.584 69 319 curveto X 71.302 318.717 76.310 317.061 79 319 curveto X 83.254 322.066 83.405 330.334 84 334 curveto X 84.141 334.870 84.141 336.120 84 339 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 289 m X 74.992 298.381 72.492 302.131 69 304 curveto X 63.835 306.764 53.983 301.936 49 304 curveto X 45.477 305.460 43.266 312.993 39 314 curveto X 34.230 315.126 27.348 310.387 24 309 curveto X 21.633 308.019 16.639 304.623 14 304 curveto X 11.640 303.443 6.750 306.750 4 304 curveto X 2.969 302.969 2.969 301.719 4 299 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn -1 274 m X 16.045 277.968 23.545 279.218 29 279 curveto X 33.930 278.803 44.254 274.584 49 274 curveto X 53.604 273.433 63.835 271.236 69 274 curveto X 72.492 275.869 74.992 279.619 79 289 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X544 284 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (D.C.) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (AADS NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X589 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sprint NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X59 204 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 339 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (PAC*Bell) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 357 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (NAP) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 419 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (All Links DS3) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 431 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Except T1 to CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X44 444 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (10Mbps to MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X54 459 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (T1 to Homestead FL/PANAMSAT) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X754 259 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X739 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST+) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X709 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-EAST) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 48.00 scalefont setfont X404 454 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (SprintLink Backbone) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X404 479 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Current engineering working plan Jan 1995) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X139 84 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Seattle WA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X369 89 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Chicago IL) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X559 399 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Orlando FL) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 399 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Fort Worth TX) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X449 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Nashville TN) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X284 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Cheyenne WY) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X169 289 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Stockton CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X179 344 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Anaheim CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X659 324 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vienna VA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X604 94 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Pennsauken NJ) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 189 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (College Park MD) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X639 454 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sean Doran <smd@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X639 466 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vadim Antonov <avg@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr Xshowpage X$F2psEnd END-of-bbplan.ps echo x - bbslide.ps sed 's/^X//' >bbslide.ps << 'END-of-bbslide.ps' X%!PS-Adobe-2.0 X%%Title: /tmp/xfig-fig027532 X%%Creator: fig2dev X%%CreationDate: Thu Jan 19 23:43:42 1995 X%%For: smd@isis.sprintlink.net (Sean Doran) X%%Orientation: Landscape X%%BoundingBox: 107 36 505 756 X%%Pages: 1 X%%EndComments X/$F2psDict 200 dict def X$F2psDict begin X$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put X/l {lineto} bind def X/m {moveto} bind def X/s {stroke} bind def X/n {newpath} bind def X/gs {gsave} bind def X/gr {grestore} bind def X/clp {closepath} bind def X/graycol {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul X4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor} bind def X/col-1 {} def X/col0 {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col1 {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col2 {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col3 {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col4 {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col5 {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col6 {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col7 {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X /DrawEllipse { X /endangle exch def X /startangle exch def X /yrad exch def X /xrad exch def X /y exch def X /x exch def X /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def X x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc X savematrix setmatrix X } def X X end X/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def X/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def X%%EndProlog X X$F2psBegin X0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin X78.0 40.0 translate 90 rotate 0.900 -0.900 scale X1.000 setlinewidth Xn 614.000 244.000 15.811 -161.565 -71.565 arc Xgs col0 s gr Xn 599.000 214.000 25.000 90.000 36.870 arcn Xgs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 349 111 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 169 369 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 350 371 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 130 3 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 149 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 339 119 m 339 99 l 319 99 l 319 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 119 m 379 99 l 359 99 l 359 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 119 m 599 99 l 579 99 l 579 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 159 m 599 139 l 579 139 l 579 159 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 259 m 599 239 l 579 239 l 579 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 159 259 m 159 239 l 139 239 l 139 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 589 159 m 589 239 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 109 m 579 109 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 299 m 159 279 l 139 279 l 139 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 149 239 m 149 109 l 319 109 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X% Polyline Xn 159 249 m 579 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 379 m 159 359 l 139 359 l 139 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 379 m 199 359 l 179 359 l 179 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 339 379 m 339 359 l 319 359 l 319 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 379 m 379 359 l 359 359 l 359 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 379 369 m 589 369 l 589 299 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 369 m 319 369 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 149 299 m 149 359 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 679 299 m 679 279 l 659 279 l 659 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X [4.000000] 0 setdash X% Polyline Xn 99 299 m 99 279 l 79 279 l 79 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 99 289 m 139 289 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 299 m 599 279 l 579 279 l 579 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth Xn 589 99 m 589 99 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 589 99 m 589 79 l gs col0 s gr Xn 329 99 m 329 99 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 249 m 99 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 259 m 99 239 l 79 239 l 79 259 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 239 m 79 199 l gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 329 99 m 329 79 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X2.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 139 299 m 99 339 l 79 339 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X% Polyline Xn 599 289 m 659 289 l gs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 249 m 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 239 m 639 219 l 619 219 l 619 239 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 679 219 m 679 199 l 659 199 l 659 219 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 629 219 m 629 209 l 659 209 l gs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 229 m 679 229 l 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 329 39 m X 324.245 34.805 321.745 33.555 319 34 curveto X 316.685 34.376 315.762 38.270 314 39 curveto X 311.509 40.032 306.278 39.000 304 39 curveto X 301.722 39.000 294.805 37.055 294 39 curveto X 293.430 40.375 299.364 41.755 299 44 curveto X 298.424 47.549 290.375 44.875 289 49 curveto X 287.625 53.125 294.000 55.804 294 59 curveto X 294.000 62.196 287.300 66.250 289 69 curveto X 290.520 71.460 296.509 67.968 299 69 curveto X 300.762 69.730 301.685 73.624 304 74 curveto X 307.660 74.594 311.250 67.300 314 69 curveto X 315.230 69.760 313.185 72.682 314 74 curveto X 315.822 76.948 322.178 76.052 324 79 curveto X 324.815 80.318 322.625 82.625 324 84 curveto X 325.375 85.375 327.682 84.815 329 84 curveto X 331.948 82.178 329.875 75.375 334 74 curveto X 338.125 72.625 340.340 79.594 344 79 curveto X 348.629 78.249 350.477 70.459 354 69 curveto X 355.246 68.484 357.754 69.516 359 69 curveto X 360.762 68.270 362.238 64.730 364 64 curveto X 364.000 64.000 364.000 64.000 364 64 curveto X 366.948 62.178 368.377 56.639 369 54 curveto X 369.279 52.820 369.815 50.318 369 49 curveto X 367.178 46.052 361.024 46.024 359 44 curveto X 356.976 41.976 357.549 34.576 354 34 curveto X 351.755 33.636 351.315 38.624 349 39 curveto X 345.340 39.594 342.660 33.406 339 34 curveto X 336.685 34.376 335.762 38.270 334 39 curveto X 331.509 40.032 324.805 40.945 324 39 curveto X 323.573 37.969 324.823 36.719 329 34 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 589 39 m X 576.103 32.388 569.853 31.138 564 34 curveto X 560.578 35.674 560.139 41.722 559 44 curveto X 557.861 46.278 553.790 50.629 554 54 curveto X 554.339 59.436 562.687 64.662 564 69 curveto X 565.093 72.609 561.083 82.792 564 84 curveto X 568.125 85.709 572.266 67.907 579 69 curveto X 582.549 69.576 581.052 77.178 584 79 curveto X 585.318 79.815 587.797 79.364 589 79 curveto X 593.338 77.687 598.564 69.338 604 69 curveto X 607.371 68.790 610.340 74.594 614 74 curveto X 618.629 73.249 622.057 66.695 624 64 curveto X 625.536 61.869 629.000 57.196 629 54 curveto X 629.000 50.804 626.278 45.975 624 44 curveto X 620.779 41.206 612.946 39.152 609 39 curveto X 603.855 38.802 594.944 45.646 589 44 curveto X 587.471 43.576 586.221 42.326 584 39 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 289 m X 687.156 292.094 690.906 292.094 694 289 curveto X 698.125 284.875 690.528 278.099 694 274 curveto X 701.041 265.689 716.080 267.300 724 269 curveto X 728.695 270.008 734.358 277.947 739 279 curveto X 748.104 281.065 763.163 266.713 774 274 curveto X 780.319 278.249 780.646 288.056 779 294 curveto X 777.306 300.117 770.117 307.306 764 309 curveto X 758.056 310.647 748.971 304.118 744 304 curveto X 737.852 303.854 725.509 309.872 719 309 curveto X 716.146 308.618 712.008 304.214 709 304 curveto X 704.747 303.698 699.180 311.843 694 309 curveto X 688.935 306.220 687.685 301.220 689 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 249 m X 71.431 239.550 67.681 235.800 64 234 curveto X 54.672 229.438 33.543 228.424 24 229 curveto X 19.120 229.295 8.368 228.405 4 234 curveto X -1.297 240.785 -1.099 252.240 4 259 curveto X 11.425 268.843 29.815 269.200 39 269 curveto X 42.990 268.913 50.652 265.387 54 264 curveto X 57.551 262.529 62.551 260.029 74 254 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 289 m X 74.992 298.381 72.492 302.131 69 304 curveto X 63.835 306.764 53.983 301.936 49 304 curveto X 45.477 305.460 43.266 312.993 39 314 curveto X 34.230 315.126 27.348 310.387 24 309 curveto X 21.633 308.019 16.639 304.623 14 304 curveto X 11.640 303.443 6.750 306.750 4 304 curveto X 2.969 302.969 2.969 301.719 4 299 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Interpolated spline Xn -1 274 m X 16.045 277.968 23.545 279.218 29 279 curveto X 33.930 278.803 44.254 274.584 49 274 curveto X 53.604 273.433 63.835 271.236 69 274 curveto X 72.492 275.869 74.992 279.619 79 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X0.500 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 199 m X 75.857 189.245 73.357 185.495 69 184 curveto X 63.904 182.252 58.253 189.302 54 189 curveto X 50.992 188.786 47.660 183.406 44 184 curveto X 41.685 184.376 39.730 187.238 39 189 curveto X 37.968 191.492 38.443 196.640 39 199 curveto X 39.623 201.639 43.377 206.361 44 209 curveto X 44.279 210.180 42.696 213.060 44 214 curveto X 48.125 216.973 55.334 209.595 59 209 curveto X 61.319 208.624 66.722 209.000 69 209 curveto X 70.139 209.000 72.754 209.516 74 209 curveto X 75.762 208.270 78.270 205.762 79 204 curveto X 79.387 203.066 79.387 201.816 79 199 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 84 339 m X 84.000 344.791 84.000 347.291 84 349 curveto X 84.000 352.417 86.909 359.965 84 364 curveto X 80.934 368.254 73.253 369.302 69 369 curveto X 65.992 368.786 62.660 363.406 59 364 curveto X 56.685 364.376 56.133 368.496 54 369 curveto X 49.230 370.126 42.262 366.016 39 364 curveto X 36.082 362.197 30.459 357.523 29 354 curveto X 28.484 352.754 30.375 350.375 29 349 curveto X 26.250 346.250 21.637 350.630 19 349 curveto X 16.052 347.178 14.623 341.639 14 339 curveto X 13.164 335.459 10.822 328.071 14 324 curveto X 18.368 318.405 28.855 318.802 34 319 curveto X 37.946 319.152 45.054 323.848 49 324 curveto X 54.145 324.198 64.254 319.584 69 319 curveto X 71.302 318.717 76.310 317.061 79 319 curveto X 83.254 322.066 83.405 330.334 84 334 curveto X 84.141 334.870 84.141 336.120 84 339 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 739 239 m X 761.329 235.165 771.329 235.165 779 239 curveto X 785.392 242.196 796.024 250.425 794 259 curveto X 791.963 267.628 784.463 271.378 764 274 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 764 274 m X 738.371 276.459 727.121 276.459 719 274 curveto X 715.747 273.015 711.997 270.515 704 264 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 699.875 263.125 704.875 263.125 709 259 curveto X 714.500 253.500 703.500 244.500 709 239 curveto X 715.187 232.813 722.687 232.813 739 239 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 680.646 253.562 678.146 251.062 679 249 curveto X 679.000 249.000 679.000 249.000 679 249 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 209 m X 689.875 213.125 694.875 213.125 699 209 curveto X 703.125 204.875 694.875 198.125 699 194 curveto X 701.750 191.250 706.250 196.750 709 194 curveto X 711.750 191.250 706.303 186.211 709 184 curveto X 715.875 178.364 727.734 189.390 734 189 curveto X 737.886 188.758 744.553 183.405 749 184 curveto X 754.070 184.679 760.787 191.366 764 194 curveto X 766.521 196.066 774.000 198.500 774 204 curveto X 774.000 209.500 767.523 212.540 764 214 curveto X 762.754 214.516 760.151 213.858 759 214 curveto X 754.254 214.584 744.369 219.589 739 219 curveto X 736.089 218.680 731.639 214.623 729 214 curveto X 726.640 213.443 721.278 214.000 719 214 curveto X 714.444 214.000 704.500 219.500 699 214 curveto X 697.969 212.969 697.969 211.719 699 209 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X544 284 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (D.C.) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (AADS NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X589 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sprint NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X59 204 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 339 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (PAC*Bell) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 357 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (NAP) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 354 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (\(Homestead FL not shown\)) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 48.00 scalefont setfont X404 434 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (SprintLink Backbone) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 419 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (All Links DS3) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 431 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Except T1 to CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X44 444 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (10Mbps to MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X54 459 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (T1 to Homestead FL/PANAMSAT) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X9 474 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Backbone T1s \(Chicago/Stockton, Chicago/Fort Worth\)) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X754 259 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X739 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST+) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X709 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-EAST) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X404 464 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (\(as of Jan 1995\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X334 134 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Chicago IL) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X324 349 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Fort Worth TX) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X169 289 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Stockton CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 189 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (College Park MD) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X659 324 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vienna VA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X604 94 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Pennsauken NJ) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X179 344 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Anaheim CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X609 449 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sean Doran <smd@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X609 461 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vadim Antonov <avg@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr Xshowpage X$F2psEnd END-of-bbslide.ps exit