And what about Juniper ACX5000 (96x SFP + 10GbE and 40GbE QSFP + 8x), you can consider it as P only? http://www.juniper.net/us/en/products-services/routing/acx-series/acx5000/ Tks, Matias 2015-08-10 18:05 GMT-03:00 Scott Larson <stl@wiredrive.com>:
I'm in the same boat myself. One thing I can share is Juniper really doesn't want to talk about the PTX1000 at all right now as it's not due to be available until November. They're going to suggest you look at the MX240/480 instead.
Lead Systems Administrator[image: wdlogo] <https://www.wiredrive.com/> [image:
*[image: userimage]Scott Larson[image: los angeles] < https://www.google.com/maps/place/4216+Glencoe+Ave,+Marina+Del+Rey,+CA+90292... linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/wiredrive> [image: facebook] <https://www.twitter.com/wiredrive> [image: twitter] <https://www.facebook.com/wiredrive> [image: instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/wiredrive>T 310 823 8238 x1106 <310%20823%208238%20x1106> | M 310 904 8818 <310%20904%208818>*
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Ben Cornish <benc@overthewire.com.au> wrote:
Hey All
We are looking for suggestions for a device to act as a super Core Device / MPLS P router only. There seems to be plenty of Chassis based solutions out there that also cater for a lot more. We ideally would like a 1RU or 2RU device - Handling MPLS / IGP only
* Ideally 16 to 48 ports of 10Gig - SFP
* Non-blocking line rate capable on all ports.
* MPLS / OSPF /BFD / ISIS / RSVP-TE capably.
* Deep buffers on the ports would also be nice
* With a possible option of 40Gig uplinks..