On 17/Jun/20 22:47, Dovid Bender wrote:
My 9-5 is working for a VoIP provider. When we started in 2006 we had a lot of issues with the quality of the internet in eastern europe and central Asia. It was not rare for us to have to play around with routing to get the quality that we needed. In a review of tickets for the last two years it seems as if we barely do any of that these days. Rarely do we get a quality complaint that comes back to an issue where a carrier or ISP dropping or mangling packets. Has anyone else observed this as well?
I think, on the whole, as current-production routers have migrated away from software-based forwarding in recent years into hardware planes, as more submarine cables have been laid to all continents, as more exchange points have been built, as mobile networks have moved from being voice to becoming data transport networks, and as the cloud and content providers have shifted the local/regional Internet eco system upon their arrival, it's not unreasonable to conclude that the overall quality of the Internet has made a marked improvement. It feels like I operated a satellite-based IP/MPLS network for a whole country millions of years ago, and yet it was just as recent as 2007. It's impressive how much we have moved forward, as a community, in that space of time. Mark.