On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Pritish Shah wrote:
So here is my question -- why is this kind of arrangement not being used anywhere???
Because direction of traffic flow is meaningless as an indicator of direction of value flow, if you will.
I send 5MB across Sprint's network. Am I responsible for paying for that traffic, or is Sprint? Think carefully before you answer, or better yet, check what the NANOG archives have to say on the topic.
Todd Graham Lewis Linux! Core Engineering
You can make an argument either way. "I'm only sending you that 5mb/sec of data because your educational, ISP, and business customers are asking me for it with Netscape [or whatever]." "I'm only receiving that 5mb/sec of data because your corporate and ISP customers have web servers - and they pay you to make their data available to the world." Avi