On 2010.05.17 19:15, Deric Kwok wrote:
My company will get 2 upstream provider. We will plan 2 routers and each router to connect one provider to use bgp for redundant. Do you have any useful bgp example and website to set it up?
One ``website'' I have in mind, but first, *ensure* that you have your prefix-list and other outbound filters in place before you try anything. *never* _test_ a multihome scenario before you are very confident that you don't mess things up for your upstreams (or the Internet in general). Not all upstream providers filter inbound (which is a problem on its own). Always, always, always ensure that you block all out (and in), and then slowly leak what you need to. With that said: http://www.armware.dk/RFC/bcp/bcp38.html Steve