On 6-mrt-2006, at 22:08, Owen DeLong wrote:
What I hear is "any type of geography can't work because network topology != geography". That's like saying cars can't work because they can't drive over water which covers 70% of the earth's surface.
No, it's more like saying "Cars which can't operate off of freeways won't work" because there are a lot of places freeways don't go. Hmmm... Come to think of it, I haven't seen anyone selling a car which won't operate off of a freeway.
If we slightly open this up to "vehicles on wheels" and "long distance infrastructure created specially for said vehicles" trains would qualify...
I've got no opposition to issuing addresses based on some geotop. design, simply because on the off chance it does provide useful aggregation, why not.
Exactly, that's all I ask.
OTOH, I haven't seen anyone propose geotop allocation as a policy in the ARIN region (hint to those pushing for it).
Hm, I would rather do this globally but maybe this is the way to go...