On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 22:12, bmanning@karoshi.com wrote:
bmanning@karoshi.com wrote:
I'm still waiting.
I'm not worried about the existance of a purported legal entity that appears to be hosting a mailing list. The question I ask, and am still waiting for an answer to is;
what are the differences (charter) between the European Operator Forum (eof) and the nasent EuroNOG?
Young Nich. has failed to respond. I guess the question is either too difficult to answer or is perceived to be retorical.
1/ Quick presentation 1.1/ RIPE EOF RIPE EOF is a working group inside RIPE. http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/eof/ Charter: The European Operators Forum deals with the operational issues of networks in Europe, such as new backbones and Internet Exchange Points. Mailing-list: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail-archives/eof-list/index.html 70 messages in 2002. EOF meeting during RIPE meeting. 1.2/ EuroNOG EuroNOG is a community. http://www.euronog.org/ Charter: - EuroNOG is a place for exchange technical information related to security, engineering and operation of the european Internet. - EuroNOG is not a legal entity. There is no formal membership or organisation, and no fees. Subscription to the mailing-list constitutes "membership" of EuroNOG. - EuroNOG is not a place for political and commercial discussions of any kind. - EuroNOG is aimed at european technical engineers and experts, but it is open to anyone interested in furthering the EuroNOG goals. - The working language is english. Mailing-list: http://www.mail-archive.com/euronog@ml.euronog.org/ 42 messages in 4 days. EuroNOG is a neutral community with about the same goals as Nanog for european people. If you want subscribe to the mailing-list: euronog-subscribe@ml.euronog.org. 2/ Differences beetween RIPE EOF and EuroNOG RIPE EOF is not neutral and depend of RIPE. EuroNOG is neutral and don't depend of any organization. RIPE EOF don't claim to be a neutral community with about the same goals as Nanog for european people. EuroNOG claim to be a neutral community with about the same goals as Nanog for european people. RIPE EOF is a working group inside a organization. EuroNOG is not a working group inside a organization. EuroNOG is open and make easier creation of working groups, on request DDoS tracking WG have been created. RIPE EOF don't have a lof of activity. EuroNOG is active. EuroNOG offer many ressources to network operators, any contributions (tools, documents,...) is welcome. -- Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware