On Mon, 18 Dec 1995, Alan Hannan wrote:
Yesterday I wandered into Radio Shack in my festive holiday wanderings, and happened upon a small man wearing a name tag that said "Bud".
I asked Bud, "Bud, will your I/R to RF transcievers send data at greater than 2.4kps?".
"No", replied Bud.
"And will your I/R to RF transcievers send data bidirectionally?" I asked Bud.
"No", replied Bud.
And while no money changed hands, I would gladly have paid to learn that this was technology I could not use.
Yes, but I think that is just the Radio Shack answer. I ask "Do you have a 7404 hex inverter" Radio Shack guy "No", well "well what is this then" I say when I show him a stack of 7404's he has on his shelf. Radio (oh we don't have that, well why is it on your shelf) Shack. :-) Nathan Stratton CEO, NetRail, Inc. Your Gateway to the World! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone (703)524-4800 NetRail, Inc. Fax (703)534-5033 2007 N. 15 St. Suite 5 Email sales@netrail.net Arlington, Va. 22201 WWW http://www.netrail.net/ Access: (703) 524-4802 guest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------