Just as a heads-up that if those previous two patches caused you some strain, keep an eye tomorrow: https://blog.activision.com/call-of-duty/2020-03/Introducing-a-game-changing... A one-time early access will give Modern Warfare owners the ability to
download Warzone at 8AM PDT. **For Modern Warfare owners who are current and have the most recent title updates, the download will be a 18-22GB**. Once download is complete, Modern Warfare owners will “unlock” the Warzone panel, which was previously classified, and can enter the lobby and play.
For non-owners of the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Warzone will be available to download free in respective first-party stores starting as early as 12 PM PDT. Head to the store and search for ‘Warzone.’ Choose Call of Duty: Warzone to download. **Warzone is a 83-101GB download for new, free-to-play users**.
-- Hugo Slabbert | email, xmpp/jabber: hugo@slabnet.com pgp key: B178313E | also on Signal On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 3:33 AM Tom Beecher <beecher@beecher.cc> wrote:
The discussion about what the consoles can or can not do is honestly not solving anything.
Saying that the consoles should or should not be doing a thing is simply trying to throw the problem to someone else.
On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 15:40 Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> wrote:
On 2020-02-12, at 20:45, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Aren't most modern consoles on whether they're "on" or not? IE: It's
not a full power up from a dead stop, 0 watts power usage.
https://www.anandtech.com/show/7528/the-xbox-one-mini-review-hardware-analys... says two-digit standby power (which they say is needed for background updating). At least in Germany, nobody sane will leave the thing in that expensive mode (a watt-year is $3 here). Switchable extension power cords are being actively marketed here for these power hogs.
Grüße, Carsten