On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 07:44:45 -0800, Leo Bicknell said:
But I think the question others are trying to ask is a different hyptothetical. Say there are two vendors, of of which makes perfectly good edge routers and core routers. What are the pros to buying all of the edge from one, and all of the core from the other?
The *original* question, which seems to have gotten lost, was: Say you're doing business in 100 countries, with some stated level of possible autonomy for each business unit. Is it better for upper corporate to say "all 100 national business units will use vendor A for edge devices and vendor B for routing", or "all 100 business units shall choose, based on local conditions such as vendor support, a standard set of vendors for their operations"? Stated differently, "Which causes more trouble - a mix of Vendor A in Denmark talking to Vendor B in Finland, or corporate mandating the use of Vendor Q even if Q doesn't have a support office in Kazakhstan while vendor F has an office in the building next door"?