Perhaps your DNS software also has a memory leak? Anyone know which software Comcast was using? Should other ISPs be concerned they might have the same latent problem in their systems? http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/business/11407913.htm Comcast said the intermittent but often-severe nighttime outages . which also occurred April 7, Tuesday and Wednesday across the country and in the St. Paul area . are related to software malfunctions on company computers responsible for receiving, interpreting and routing subscribers' Web-site requests. E-mail also was affected in some cases. A company spokeswoman wouldn't elaborate on the nature of the software problems, identifying them only as a "memory leak." But she said steps meant to end them roughly coincided with Thursday's erratic outage, which may have been less severe than the earlier ones, and added the fixes will likely avert future service blackouts of this kind.