"Poyerd, Denis" <Denis.Poyerd@veridian.com> wrote: > From multiple news sources. Please correct me if I'm wrong, your > message happened to come out as I hear about "possible" issues in > Nepal. Oh, come on, don't be a nitwit. Whois says you're in _Arlington, Virginia, in the United States_. Now which do you think is safer, staying at home, or going to Nepal for the same period of time? Let me guess; you have a television, you think Thailand is full of prostitutes, you think Russia is full of gangsters, and you've never actually been to any of those three countries. Am I right? Free clue: go look at the numbers. You have my abject apologies, of course, if you're actually Canadian. For everybody else, yes, I know I'm being grouchy. I just find this kind of behavior incredibly offensive; this kind of reality-defying jingoism is one of the most embarassing things about being identified as an American while travelling. Happy Thanksgiving. -Bill