On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 11:27 -0500, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
I think it does not matter. Censorship is censorship. (So much for "routing around it".)
Obviously for the effected, the effects are the same. |8^) However, I'm interested in knowing about the level of fine control that the Egyptian government may have exercised. I think the subtle implications on the relationships between operators and governments bear some fine distinction in such a case. Also I think there will eventually be different consequences between an indiscriminate mass disconnect of all telecom and network services and a selective one where some of the infrastructure is left intact but under tighter control... especially if internal reach is still selectively available while external reach has been disabled. -- /*=================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]=================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS | +==================================================================*/