16 Jun
16 Jun
9:24 p.m.
At 12:11 6/16/97, Doug Davis wrote:
... I have a similer problem with BBN. They have a pop <14 feet from me in Dallas. I can't get past the "retail sales" blockage to reach a technical person inorder to discuss peerage. Email to ops@bbnplanet eventually dissapears. This even after BBN people at nanog have said that in these type of cases they could be interested in this sort of private peerage.
Mumble... requests should be sent to "peering@bbnplanet.com"; you'll get back a reply/questionaire which starts the process. If you don't have nationwide infrastructure, you may not be terribly impressed by our response.
Everyone probably just has too much work to do :-(
It beats the alternative... :-), /John