On Jul 23, netops <netops@flycast.com> wrote:
Does anyone know of any non-ISP companies that have decided to multi-home? Is this a major trend for non-ISP companies running mission-critical applications on the Internet?
So far, I only know of a couple, with PointCast being one of them.
There's also Gannett (the folks who own USA Today and a lot of other newspapers and radio and TV stations.) But, with all the stuff they own & do, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to consider them a web hosting facility (with a very limited clientele.) ********************************************************* J.D. Falk voice: +1-415-482-2840 Supervisor, Network Operations fax: +1-415-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "The People You Know. The People You Trust." *********************************************************