-------Original Message-------
From: Andrew - Supernews <andrew@supernews.net> Subject: Re: SWIP and Rwhois in the Real World Sent: 06 Sep '05 15:55
"william" == william(at)elan net <william@elan.net> writes:
william> The above line is as clear as it gets (if the other two william> mentions that data is to be made available to public is not william> enough), so there this argument that rwhois should be made william> available only to ARIN is now against ARIN's policies and william> whoever you know who is still making it should be pointed to william> URL I listed.
NetRange: - ReferralServer: rwhois://rwhois.level3.net:4321
% telnet rwhois.level3.net 4321 Trying telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
Doesn't seem to have made much difference yet...
Are folks finding that public rwhois availability is a wide spread problem with ISPs who are using rwhois, or is level3 an isolated incident? Replies off-list are ok. Andrew (also an ARIN Advisory Council member)