I realize that Ubiquiti may be in the same “too ashamed to talk publicly about it” bucket as Mikrotik, so feel free to email me off list instead of replying publicly - is anyone else here running non-default x.509 certs for the web GUI on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter? [*] I thought I had a fairly bulletproof recipe, sticky across more than a year of reboots, but on a recent power outage somehow things reverted to the factory self-signed cert. ER4 still on EdgeOS 1.x. Any thoughts from people who are also doing this would be appreciated. -r [*] - ER4 is on a residential connection, housekeeping raspi keeps DNS updated with current external IP address. If we use ping to monitor in Nagios, in the event of a power event when someone else gets our old address we get a false service-ok alert, so instead we allow only the monitoring system to touch the otherwise-unused web gui on the external interface, and look for the CN to be what we’re expecting. Works great, so long as the cert I put there stays... Sent from my iPad