On Wednesday 11 May 2005 03:57, Simon Waters wrote:
Indeed moderns versions of BIND default to high ports for DNS queries as well unless configured otherwise. I think old versions of BIND and the odd firewall product were the main thing doing source port 53 queries.
I was going to suggest email servers as a possible cause -- I think probably you'll have to speak to a customer if it still persists. Make sure they haven't been owned. Might just have been a spam run or mailshot with "msn.com" as the reply, and you discovering how many email servers are out there or similar.
I suspect you're correct; these are probably some DSL customers who have "0wn3d" by either a virus or malware and have just been "turned on" to spam domains at "msn.com". Unfortunately we don't do protocol graphs on our major routers or else I would have been able to see a spike of port 25 traffic if it had existed - we just graph our DNS server query which is why I noticed the jump.
I assume your not using something daft like MS DNS server, but a recent BIND or DJB cache.
Also correct; we're running BIND 9.2.2 and I parse the query logs to see what kind of traffic we're getting via the different query types. -Doug -- Douglas E. Warner <dwarner@ctinetworks.com> Network Engineer CTI Networks, Inc. http://www.ctinetworks.com +1 717 975 9000