Less, and less people keep using Usenet... A lot of people just use Search Engine, Web download, P2P... I guess given the traffic and data too stored, it may not be useful for the effort to keep Usenet service running. Alex On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Henry Yen <henry@aegisinfosys.com> wrote:
uunet/vzb "will terminate its United States Newsreader and Newsfeed services on March 31, 2012, with no plans to offer a replacement, and any content/data remaining after that date will be unrecoverably deleted".
does anyone on NANOG have any thoughtful comments on this?
-- Henry Yen <Henry.Yen@Aegis00.com> Aegis Information Systems, Inc. Senior Systems Programmer Hicksville, New York 1-800-AEGIS-00 (800-234-4700)