Last time I checked, SSL connections do not get proxied through the AOL caching servers. They go directly from the client. is not an AOL proxy server, it is an end user IP address that a AOL user gets when they dial in. cache-rf03.proxy.aol.com is an AOL proxy. -------------------------- Brian Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group Open Solutions For A Closed World / Anti-Spam Resources http://www.2mbit.com ICQ: 8077511 ----- Original Message ----- From: "mike harrison" <meuon@highertech.net> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Cc: <rcurtis@krystal.com>; <gmilliard@krystal.com> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:24 PM Subject: AOL Proxy Servers not connecting via https
I'm looking for a clueful person either inside of AOL's NetOps or someone else that can help us.
Using AOL Dial-Up, through AOL Browser or MSIE users can connect to our web servers and our clients web servers via normal http with no problem.
If they connect to a secure site (https://) they get 'page can not be displayed' and other errors. We have this issue with Linux/Apache as well as MSIE servers.
Sniffing such connections, we get one of two scenerios:
1. A connection is opened from an AOL proxy server ( for example) yet no data is transmitted.
2. A connection is opened from an AOL proxy server. what looks like a request is sent (580 bytes) and some response is sent back (5k bytes) Yet the clients browser never gets a website.. The webserver logs an 'error 408' from the request, Which is a request timeout.
2 test websites to try from AOL: https://www.krystal.net MS https://www.onrope1.com Linux/Apache
Clue Bat's welcome. Thank You --Mike--