This can proof the opposite.
Malware comes from redirected allocated blocks, not from bogons.
I don't think this is proof. The haphazard way that BCP38 and ingress prefix filtering of Bogon/DUSA make 'spoofing' from these Bogon/DUSA blocks unprofitable to a miscreant and forces them to work too hard. What this data does demonstrate is that hijacking of valid prefixes has not been mitigated. And, there is most likely an economic motivation to use the hijacked prefixes. In other words, the miscreants can use the technique over and over - not get caught - not work too hard - and make money (the first three and most important principles of miscreants). This data points to another problem - where SPs are not putting ingress prefix filters on their BGP speaking customers. That is another area where you have a lot of operational entropy issues. OPEX is increased on the building of the prefix provision tool, the maintenance of the policy, synchronization of that policy with the peer ingress filters, and customers calls required when ever the customer gets prefix updates. Hence many (most) operators rather not do the prefix filters on their customers (usually 2 to 4 lines of policy on a J & C router). For many, the OPEX is just too high.