On Jun 30, 2010, at 12:07 PM, George Bonser wrote:
if I want to know which vlans a port is in, you look at the port config and there it is. Other gear you need to look through each vlan configuration and note which vlans the port appears in and hope you don't overlook one.
or become familiar with some basic commands, which is after all, our job... on hp: show port vlan e1, which will show you all the vlans port E1 is a member of.. I like cisco, but i think the HP way is more logical and less prone to error. A previous poster gave an excelent example, i burnt myself not adding the "add" to a trunk config on our cisco switches. i went over the magical number (and I've no idea why you need to use another argument when you pass some threshold, it seems redundant and silly) of vlans and took out about 7 departments till I realized what I had done. thankfully you only need to do this once to learn. the trunking is more logical on HP config wise too, there is a line in the config which shows all the members and trunk type, on one line. not being able to issue commands while in config mode (without the 'do') is annoying as hell too.. its like not being able to do anything on a unix box while you are root without being asked "are you sure" every time you hit carriage return. the biggest think I don't like about the HP CLI is the lack of regx or the ablitly to string a few together on one line. some models have it, others don''t. that woudl be the second issue, the lack of consistency between devices. cisco owns that one. -g