If you're already using MRTG, hopefully you're at least passingly familiar with perl and SNMP. If so, you can do some hackery to identify your BGP peer interfaces automatically and then use it to reference existing interface graphs. Take a peek in the BGP4 mib, specifically at the BgpPeerEntry subtree. You may need to do some correlation inside the ifTable or maybe even ifX, depending on platform and implementation, to correctly identify the interface of your peer. - billn On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, andrew matthews wrote:
no i mean graph bgp sessions...
it's a single interface, and i want to graph every bgp session so i can see how much traffic i'm doing between each peer.
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:25:37 +0000 (GMT), Stephen J. Wilcox <steve@telecomplete.co.uk> wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, andrew matthews wrote:
Anyone have any suggestions on graphing peering on a cisco router? I'm using mrtg and i did mac address accounting but the numbers are off.
do you mean how to graph traffic to each host on a lan..?
what platform do you have?