The answer is, if someone is using your hotspot, it does use the same radio and channel your ssid is on. On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Andrew Jones <aj@jonesy.com.au> wrote:
It reads to me like it's not a separate Wi-Fi radio on a different channel, but just an additional SSID being broadcast: http://wifi.comcast.com/faqs.html ctrl+f "Does the new Home Hotspot impact my Internet speeds or data usage?"
On 11.12.2014 14:55, Phil Bedard wrote:
It won't overlap with the one you are using for yourself on the same device.
DOCSIS has service flows with different priorities. I don't know if they are allocating specific channels for it or if it's just a different service flow, but either way it is a lower priority and should not cause contention with regular user traffic.
Really it is just the power they seem to be complaining about.
-----Original Message----- From: "Harald Koch" <chk@pobox.com> Sent: 12/10/2014 10:21 PM To: "Mr Bugs" <bugs@debmi.com> Cc: "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: Comcast thinks it ok to install public wifi in your house
On 10 December 2014 at 21:50, Mr Bugs <bugs@debmi.com> wrote:
however they use a separate DOCSIS and 802.11 channel so if would follow
that it would be a separate IP tied to comcast corporate and not the subscriber as well as not taking up your bandwidth.
IIRC there are only three non-overlapping channels on 802.11g and six on 802.11n; I can see more networks than that from my basement.
I haven't been keeping up with the technology, but in the ancient of days wasn't the uplink side of DOCSIS also a limited-bandwidth, shared resource?