Matthew> so would you consider as it is my network, that I should Matthew> not be allowed to impose these 'draconian' methods and Matthew> perhaps I shouldn't be allowed to censor traffic to and Matthew> from my networks? If you want to run a network off in the corner by yourself this is fine. If you have agreed to participate in the Internet you have an obligation to deliver your traffic. At LISA a couple of years ago a Microsoftie got up at the SPAM symposium and told of an experiment they did where they asked their hotmail users to identify their mail messages as spam or not. He said the users got it wrong some small percentage amount of the time. I was stunned at the arrogance and presumption in that comment. You can't tell from looking at the contents, source, or destination if something is spam because none of these things can tell whether the message was requested or is wanted by the recipient. The recipient is the only person who can determine these things. There are simple solutions to this. They do work in spite of the moanings of the hand wringers. In the meantime my patience with email "lost" silently due to blacklists, etc. is growing thin.