On Jan 29, 2004, at 1:29 PM, just me wrote:
Your analogies suck for two reasons:
1: take a look at the huge problems apple is having with quality control and returns on the ibooks. They've finally started admitting there's a problem (after months and months of consumer outrage)
Try again. They are having quality control issues, grated. The thing is, the issue isn't huge. I read an article about this yesterday. Out of the 837,000 ibooks sold in 2003, 0.2% of all ibooks were affected.
2: VW build quality control and reliability sucks as well. Theres a long list of problems every Jetta owner will eventually see. Most are not covered by a recall or other warranty replacement. I can only imagine the problems the Toureg owners will be seeing in a brand new platform.
Sure, no company goes without having a glitch in their production or something at some point -- that's life. Apple acknowledges their problems with their hardware, fixes it and makes sure it doesn't happen again. VW fixes their problems and makes sure they don't happen again. Microsoft acknowledges their problems and says "F**k you, we're Microsoft. Deal with it".
Not to mention that most VW dealers are raging crooks, and VWOA does nothing to stop or discourage their theft and fraud.
*shrug* sorry about your luck. I've had nothing but good luck with my Rabbit that went 15 years on it's original clutch (and I drove like Andretti in those days). Aside from some body work on my GTI now, there aren't any crippling mechanical issues. You must just have really bad luck.
As an iBook owner, and a VW owner, I can say with authority that I'd think twice before making another Apple or VW purchase.
Too bad.
The moral of the story is that theres always a downside, and you should take any evangelist's schpiel with a giant salt lick.
As we have done here.. Now, then, I'm done. Back to on-topic stuff.
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
Agreed. That's where you educate your mom on why Macs are godly, PCs running windows are evil and Linux is a little to complex still for the end user, and bluntly doesn't look as pretty out of the box.
(hypothetical) Buy the $12,000.00 (CDN) KIA with no snow tires, no ABS, no nothing. Drive somewhere in a snow storm, get stuck going up a hill, try to back down the hill, get sideswiped by the guy in the Touareg because he can't see your tiny little $12,000.00 KIA soap box, get flung over the guardrail, down the hill and into the valley. Pay the tow truck to come bail your ass out, pay your insurance deductible and the extra rates you are going to ensue because you just wrote off your car. Add all that up and compare that to the price of a brand new Touareg over 10 years. Guess what, your analogy just lost ground :)
--mghali@snark.net------------------------------------------<darwin>< Flowers on the razor wire/I know you're here/We are few/And far between/I was thinking about her skin/Love is a many splintered thing/Don't be afraid now/Just walk on in. #include <disclaim.h>