* David W. Hankins
It is almost lunacy to deploy IPv6 in a customer-facing sense (note for example Google's choice to put its AAAA on a separate FQDN). At this point, I'd say people are still trying to figure out how clients will migrate to IPv6. Which seems like a pretty bad time to still be trying to figure that out, but ohwell.
Google has been testing this a bit on their main pages. Select quotes from the presentation of their results:
0.238% of users have useful IPv6 connectivity (and prefer IPv6) 0.09% of users have broken IPv6 connectivity
The summary disagrees with you about the «almost lunacy» part:
It's not that broken - ~0.09% clients lost, ~150ms extra latency - don't believe the FUD
The slides are here, they're worth a look in my opinion: http://rosie.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-57/presentations/uploads/Thursday/P... 14:00/upl/Colitti-Global_IPv6_statistics_-_Measuring_the_current_state_of_IPv6_for_ordinary_users.xD5A.pdf Best regards, -- Tore Anderson