FYI In case someone can get this to a clue-ful individual. There was been severe packet loss at Hop 11 below since 11AM EST this morning leaving Comcast Mass network out through Level 3 NY/Boston. I tried to report to Comcast (Request Summary: ID: 6863600) and was met with less than pleasant clue. So much for being a good net'izen. I agreed my "connection" was fine, but past that there was an issue. If there is actually a way to report to Comcast NOC, please advise. I've also reported to Internap from my side so they can investigate as well. Thanks Eric Packets Pings Hostname %Loss Rcv Snt Last Best Avg Worst 1. 0% 47 47 0 0 0 1 2. c-3-0-ubr04.brockton.ma.boston.comcast.net 0% 47 47 7 6 8 16 3. ge-2-40-ur01.brockton.ma.boston.comcast.net 0% 47 47 7 6 8 13 4. 0% 47 47 10 8 10 16 5. 0% 47 47 15 11 13 32 6. 0% 47 47 14 11 13 19 7. te-0-10-0-5-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net 0% 46 46 46 45 46 53 8. xe-11-1-0.edge1.NewYork2.Level3.net 0% 46 46 45 44 52 175 9. vlan69.csw1.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 46 46 52 44 52 60 10. ae-61-61.ebr1.NewYork1.Level3.net 0% 46 46 45 45 51 60 11. ae-1-8.bar2.Boston1.Level3.net 50% 23 46 51 49 54 104 12. ae-0-11.bar1.Boston1.Level3.net 0% 46 46 118 49 58 174 13. ae-7-7.car1.Boston1.Level3.net 0% 46 46 50 49 52 67 14. 0% 46 46 53 49 60 215 15. border7.ge6-2-bbnet2.bsn.pnap.net 0% 46 46 154 50 60 187 16. host-4-64-203-66.axsne.net 0% 46 46 52 51 54 93 Packets: Sent = 240, Received = 230, Lost = 10 (4% loss), Packets: Sent = 54, Received = 49, Lost = 5 (9% loss), Minimum = 54ms, Maximum = 227ms, Average = 62ms Eric Kagan Access Northeast 24 x 7 NOC: 508-281-7600 x4