Avi Freedman writes:
Along the way, it was made clear that the NIC wasn't interested in Sprint's filtering policies and would not make allocations based on it.
I'm just a country network jockey and don't understand all this stuff, but Avi's comment is a perfect lead-in ... What's been bothering me is that Sprint is filtering at /19 in 206/8 but just allocated me a /21 out of 206/8. Since my largest customer is leaning on me to multi-home, and since I view Sprint's filtering as indicative of what others are likely to do RSN, I begged Sprint to allocate a block the size of the smallest block they would route if I had gotten it from another NSP. Is it unfair to ask Sprint to make allocations based on its own filtering policies? When I multihome and Pennsauken is down, will Sprint's filtering cut me off from access to other Sprint customers via my alternative path? -- Dick St.Peters, Gatekeeper, Pearly Gateway, Ballston Spa, NY stpeters@NetHeaven.com Owner/operator, NetHeaven 518-885-1295/1-800-910-6671 Internet for Albany/Saratoga, Glens Falls, North Creek, & Lake Placid Visit the Internet Conference Calendar http://calendar.com/conferences