26 Oct
26 Oct
2 a.m.
On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
The Net Access crew is currently at the hotel, and in the TAPS bar, playing pool, drinking beer, and smokin cigars. Comeon down if your here.
the tyranny of distance :). i am still in sydney, australia about to hop on a plane in an hour :) yes, see all you folks there at TAPS :) ============================================================== andrew khoo - rebel leader gsm: +61-500-555-466 Ourworld Global Network, Australia work: +61-2-9223-2777 sushi-eating good guy - wookie avi pager: +61-2-9962-4414 speaks in home-grown tongue - ren usa: +1-415-531-2754 ============================================================== -- We Bite (tm) --