On Fri, 30 May 2003, Mike Tancsa wrote:
At 01:15 PM 30/05/2003 -0500, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
For the same reason anyone else accepts their routes -- because they want to be able to reach them. If they don't want to reach _you_, that's their choice.
As Sean Donelan pointed out, the fact that 2 of the root name servers are inside their network, there is more to the issue than you suggest.... I for example want people in Australia to be able to reliably lookup DNS info on my domains. The .mil people have decided to hamper this process.
I agree. The root servers should have no filtering in place to block any demographics (unless of course a given node is DoSing them). The last time I tried to contact a .mil to report an open relay that was being abused, I was accused of being a spammer that had "hacked" their server. Since that time I reject .mil mail. Justin