On (2006-09-21 18:49 +0100), Sam Stickland wrote:
Did you try power cycling the Lucents after changing the auto-neg settings? I've seen some broken autoneg implementations in the past on managed media converters that didn't change settings immediately. It's worth a shot as you seem to be all out of other ideas ;)
I brought the adjacent ports in IP gear down and up. We could verify from management interface to the lucent that autonegotiation wasn't performed after down/up, while we could observe before down/up that autonegotiation was marked being done even though we had configure cisoc interfaces as 'force-up'. So clearly it needed to see link down/up. We didn't powercycle lucent, as it would mean bringing down tens of 10G waves. But taking the GBE module out/in would have been option (three countries are involved, so bit inconvenient, but possible). Country A - Country B is one lucent leg. Country B - Country C is another lucent leg. Anyhow thanks for the thoughts, any help I can get is much appreciated :). Of course we have full support agreement to both vendors, which we probably have to try sooner or later, but it'll be long battle on who's problem it really is. -- ++ytti