Groups like NANOG may find it useful to be listed in the _Encyclopedia of Associations_, a directory of national non-profit groups in the United States, so that journalists, researchers and potential new members can get in touch with you more easily. I have transcribed the questionnaire that the _Encyclopedia of Associations_ uses to compile its listings, and I would be happy to send a copy to anyone who would like their group listed. The Encyclopedia of Associations is published by Gale Research Inc. of Detroit, a well-known publisher of reference books. Your local library probably has a copy of the _Encyclopedia of Associations_ that you can look through to see how other progressive groups are listed. To request a questionnaire, send me e-mail (ndallen@io.org), or contact: Encyclopedia of Associations Gale Research Inc. 835 Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226-4094 U.S.A. telephone (313) 961-2242 or 800-877-GALE fax (313) 961-6815 -- Nigel Allen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ndallen@io.org Web page: http://www.io.org/~ndallen