On 5 feb 2009, at 20:06, Joe Abley wrote:
4) Obtain PA space and do what you're doing with v4.
5) Obtain PI space and do what you're doing with v4.
(4) is problematic because filtering long prefixes in v6 seems to be more energetic than it is in v4. (5) is problematic if you don't qualify for PI space.
Better hope the RRG work (LISP, maybe) works out, then. I'm sure some people will relax their filters but I'm also convinced that a lot of people won't, at least not until a consensus on a good prefix length filtering strategy emerges. The RIR policies are such that if you allow /48s you're dead in the water if someone tries to inject a large number of those on purpose or it happens by accident in a particular unfortunate way. The reason I think people won't accept long prefixes is because of the above, or because (like me) they feel IPv6 PI was a mistake, or, the main contributor to routing table bloat, laziness. And the reason they won't care is that if an IPv6 destination returns !N applications that try both IPv6 and IPv4 fall back on IPv4 without a noticeable delay so outgoing sessions aren't affected. (Incoming sessions have to time out though, no ICMPs back to the originator for those.)