--------- Text sent by Peter Dawe follows:
Demon Internet Services provide an IP address for every dial-up customer. Most other ISPs have taken the view that this is a waste of valuable IP space and allocate IP addresses dynamically.
How should our industry respond to ISPs who behave selfishly and do not take into account the good of the network?
Peter Dawe Unipalm PIPEX
1. Speaking as IAB chair, I must state that the IAB has absolutely no role to play in answering your question. Operational/commercial issues are outside our mandate, whatever we might feel. 2. However, even without an IAB discussion, I can tell you that we are in favour of technology that conserves address space and facilitates renumbering. Regards, Brian Carpenter (IAB Chair) (brian@dxcoms.cern.ch) voice +41 22 767 4967, fax +41 22 767 7155