Hello, I think you misread the ARIN fee waiver guideline, they basically state that you can get up to a /36 of IPv6 space, 2x-Small, while paying for 3X-Small pricing. Rishi Panthee On Jul 14, 2023, at 11:37 AM, Robert Webb <rwfireguru@gmail.com> wrote: Sorry for the completely off topic rant here, but maybe it will garner some attention from the ARIN folks. So I am attempting a small startup business and and initially building out three sites and thought it would be good to register and upfront get my own IPv6 space instead of leasing from some other party or have to renumber as future things change Looking at the ARIN website and fee schedule, I see there is a blurb at the bottom of the RSP Categories and Fees about IPv6 fees being waived until December 31, 2026. My reaction was along the lines of this is great, it helps small companies and startups get IPv6 deployed and up and running in their environment. So I put in the request for a /44 initial request and provided all my justifications and within a couple of days I got word that my request was approved. Wonderful.. Then I proceed to get a $250 invoice for my /44 under a 3X-Small category! Huh?? So I call in and am told the waiver is only for those in a 2X-Service Category who want to obtain a 3X-Small Category subnet and that it really isn't a fee waiver, but that the 2X-Small Category organization will only be charged a 3X-Small fee of $250 and that the $500 fee. So ARIN, either quit the bait and switch, or fix the wording in the Fee Schedule AND provide a link to the full text of the waiver. As the blurb in the schedule mentions nothing about the 2X-Small Category and honestly, no fees are really waived. Again, apologies for the rant, but just needed to get it out there, the frustration of a small start up business owner..