On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Skeeve Stevens <Skeeve@eintellego.net> wrote:
My guess is that 99% of consumer internet access is Asymmetrical (DSL, Cable, wireless, etc) and iCloud when launched will 'upload' obscene amounts of gigs of music, tv, backups, email, photos, documents/data and so on to their data centres.
What would be obscene about that is from a design POV it would be a waste of resources. "Music" and "TV" content are from a small number of sources, and there are a massive potential number of users. What should happen is instead of transmitting large video files... block checksums should be transmitted, and only files that are completely foreign should be transferred. Whereas everything else being "backed up" is just an assignment of account access to existing blocks that would already have been stored on the content servers. And then also, a user storing 10GB of music would probably take only a few megabytes of their account space, once the "space used" is evenly divided by the number of users that have that block saved, since a majority of music files backed up would be file-identical with material someone else had already backed up, and identical to material already in the iTunes store (which they could pre-seed their database with). -- -JH