NANOGers - Please take note of the following event that will take place in less than 10 days time - ARIN will shut down the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database on Monday, 4 April 2022 at 12:00 PM ET Any networks relying on upon routing objects in the ARIN-NONAUTH IRR database should be actively working on alternative arrangements. If you have questions about this transition or need any assistance, you can contact ARIN by: • Submitting an Ask ARIN ticket or chat with us using your ARIN Online account • emailing the Routing Security Team at routing.security@arin.net<mailto:routing.security@arin.net> • contacting the Registration Services Help Desk by phone Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET at +1.703.227.0660 Thank you! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers Begin forwarded message: From: John Curran <jcurran@arin.net<mailto:jcurran@arin.net>> Subject: IMPORTANT NOTICE - Retirement of ARIN Non-Authenticated IRR rescheduled for 4 April 2022 Date: 16 February 2022 at 4:33:24 PM EST To: NANOG Operators' Group <nanog@nanog.org<mailto:nanog@nanog.org>> NANOGers - An important reminder – On 4 April 2022, ARIN's non-authenticated Internet Routing Registry (IRR) will be retired. Please review the attached notice for details, and do not hesitate to contact ARIN if you have any questions about this transition or need assistance. I ask that you do not hesitate to forward this notice to any others you know that are potentially unaware & impacted by this important transition. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers Begin forwarded message: From: ARIN <info@arin.net<mailto:info@arin.net>> Subject: [arin-announce] UPDATE: Retirement of ARIN Non-Authenticated IRR rescheduled for 4 April 2022 Date: 28 January 2022 at 9:01:07 PM GMT+4 To: "arin-announce@arin.net<mailto:arin-announce@arin.net>" <arin-announce@arin.net<mailto:arin-announce@arin.net>> This announcement is to inform you that the retirement of the ARIN non-authenticated Internet Routing Registry (IRR) has been rescheduled to 4 April 2022 at 12:00 PM EST. After this time, users will no longer be able to create, update, or delete records in the ARIN-NONAUTH database, and the ARIN-NONAUTH data stream will no longer be available in Near Real Time Mirroring (NRTM) or via FTP or Whois Port 43. This date change is being made in order to ensure that the first day after retirement does not fall on a Friday. The following information is from the initial announcement: ARIN has been engaged in a multi-year project to create and deploy a new and improved Internet Routing Registry (IRR). As a result of these efforts, ARIN now provides users with the ability to create, update, and delete objects in ARIN’s authenticated IRR database using ARIN Online or ARIN’s RESTful API. Unfortunately, use of ARIN’s previous non-authenticated email-based IRR service actually increased after ARIN released its authenticated IRR, in opposition to the outcome ARIN anticipated when improving its IRR. On 8 February 2021, ARIN held a consultation to solicit input on the retirement of ARIN’s non-authenticated email-based IRR service. This retirement was originally scheduled for 30 September 2021. Based on community input, the proposed date for the ARIN-NONAUTH retirement was delayed to 31 March 2022 to allow more transition time for users. We also notified by email Points of Contact (POCs) of organizations who have objects in the ARIN-NONAUTH database of the retirement date and offered them our assistance with the transition. If you have questions about this transition or need assistance, you can contact us by: • submitting an Ask ARIN ticket or chat with us using your ARIN Online account • emailing the Routing Security Team at routing.security@arin.net<mailto:routing.security@arin.net> • contacting the Registration Services Help Desk by phone Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET at +1.703.227.0660 Regards, Brad Gorman Senior Product Owner, Routing Security American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)