From: Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2019 4:52 PM
You might also want to look at 6connect.
I actually did recently, to potentially migrate from phpipam, but I couldn't even drive the IPAM thing :( Just saying, in phpipam I didn't have any trouble figuring out basic stuff like how to name a subnet, assign IP to A-side host and B-side host on a p2p link with /31 (or /30) subnet, or how to create children off of a parent block in no time. Though what I like about 6conenc is that its insanely customizable and I like the automatic chopping of subnet to equal sized blocks and ability to merge etc., but... as I said couldn't drive even the basic stuff... And regarding the automation capabilities -I actually like the full blown ONAP style automation better. adam