From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of John M. Brown Sent: Monday, July 05, 1999 10:53 AM
Couple of points:
1. This fits the NANOG AUP and Charter HOW??? And claiming that
You have a good point and if that was ALL you said I wouldn't comment. However, you also threw a lot of mud that properly belongs on the InterNIC DOMAIN-POLICY list, the IFWP list, or the DNSO.ORG list.Those are the proper venue for these issues. You can subscribe there and join the festivities, if you want. I will be there as well as many others. Most of the folks that are really interested are also on the DNSO.ORG and IFWP lists. Most of the relevant links can be found via <http://www.dnso.net>. When I get time, I will put up a page pointing to the relevant mailer-list pages, on DNSO.NET. BTW, you might get yourself updated as while you are there. Your myths need upgrading. This post is placed in the interests of diverting this, non-NANOG, traffic to the appropriate lists. Please don't flame.