This may have been asked and answered, but I couldn’t find the answer.
The answer changes every year, anyway.
What are people recommending these days for IP tracking systems? I’m looking for something to track the used/available IP addresses in my new lab.
FWIW, we use TeemIP/iTop, although I can't say I would recommend it, it does work. We've looked at NetBox, which is quite nice, but getting our data *out* of TeemIP/iTop proved to be much more difficult than expected, so we haven't migrated yet. CANARIE (Canadian NREN) and all the subsidiary RANs here are adopting NetBox, AFAIK. -Adam Adam Thompson Consultant, Infrastructure Services MERLIN 100 - 135 Innovation Drive Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6A8 (204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only) athompson@merlin.mb.ca www.merlin.mb.ca