I think the point isn't so much that being UScentric is ok/not ok but rather that for many providers, most of their DNS traffic is .com/.net related. That being the case, there seems to be a good case for changes to infrastructure for those TLDs being of interest to at least some NANOG recipients... I know that when I was still wearing my ISP hat, our DNS traffic was about 80% composed of either com or net queries.. --Tim ============================================= Timothy M. Wolfe CCNA, NSA Sr. Network Engineer timw@infogroupnw.com InfoGroup Northwest 541.485.0957 x108 ============================================= -----Original Message----- From: Randy Bush [mailto:randy@psg.com] Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 11:04 AM To: Roland Dobbins Cc: Austin Schutz; nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: o/t: Re: Root zone change -- d.gtld-servers.net
What's wrong with being U.S.-centric?
jingism kinda went out of fashion shortly after the us's defeat in viet nam randy