On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Joe Blanchard <jbfixurpc@gmail.com> wrote:
It appears there's really no easy way to determine the origin of a text sent to a cell...
For shortcodes, Neustar provided a list: https://www.usshortcodes.com/csc/directory/directoryList.do?method=showDirectory&group=all For regular cellular numbers, the Wireless Amber Alert site is popular amongst MVNO (e.g. prepaid) users to find out so they can use the email-to-text gateways: http://www.wirelessamberalerts.com/ (You don't actually sign up, just enter the number and then it will tell you the carrier.) For landlines/VoIP/etc. Google should be able to tell you at least the city/state. Though it's rare that you will get a text from a landline, it is possible. Andy