On 6/11/2011 1:59 AM, Don Gould wrote:
Your responses clearly demonstrate by asking a few simple questions, and allowing those with a few clues to be creative, that there are any number of ways to get things done if you really want to.... perhaps this is a new concept for people in rural America, I don't know....
Mostly, I've just ignored this, since it wasn't really contributing to a solution for anything I could see, and wasn't finding it as amusing to read as the author did to write. This statement, however, needs a bit of changing, sir. I'd say that "people in rural America" (many of whom are my neighbors) are adept at making do, and very clever at finding solutions to the problems that the author of this piece did not. Please note that the author seems to be yet another transplanted city boy, and as such, might not have been aware of how to solve this problem quickly, and in the most expedient manner, but that does not mean you should lump rural America in one large bucket... I should also point out that the author of the article isn't even *in* a rural setting. Contrary to popular belief, living in a small town is not rural. I've lived 5 five miles out of town, and we barely considered that rural. We had neighbors less than a quarter mile walk away. In addition (since my annoyance factor seems to be set on high), I'm a bit curious as to how someone living in New Zealand is so concerned with broadband access in the US.