On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Rhys Rhaven <rhys@rhavenindustrys.com> wrote:
I had a Juniper sales rep laugh at me when I asked for a comparison of their SRX series to Vyatta, as he had "never heard of Vyatta."
Anyone have an opinion on Vyatta's software/appliances? Specifically their 3520 ?
On 05/24/2011 10:59 AM, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:
Hello All:
There is a new Vyatta NSP list, sponsored by Jared on puck.nether.net. If you are running Vyatta hardware and/or software please join and share your questions, comments and experiences.
Well, with the new Juniper entry level MX devices out now, the cost difference between Vyatta and Juniper is probably insignificant now, and with Juniper devices, you have much higher PPS rate. Granted, I have Vyatta devices now doing BGP, and they work fine, but you can't argue that ASICs can forward much faster than a general purpose CPU :) To each their own -- Brent Jones brent@servuhome.net