Also sprach Roeland Meyer
|> which of course *is* possible for at least one machine per visible |> IP address - even if additional IPs are masqed behind it.
if you are doing one:one NAT then why do NAT at all? if you are doing one:many then it won't work (broken).
Even with one:many NAT you can pretty much get the same effect. You set up a default private IP address behind the NAT that any srcIP,dstIP,srcPort,dstPort combo that doesn't already have a mapping in the NAT box goes to. There's the possibilities of collisions here, but the chances are fairly low. Now, before anyone calls me a NAT apologist...I'm anything but that. There's no way on earth that I'd call this true Internet access, even for the default machine behind the NAT. Nor would I configure something like this as an ISP, disclosed or not (just ask Cincinnati Bell what I think of their Zoomtown Network setup and you'll find out how I feel about NAT! ;), but I do see that there are places - few, but they're there - for NAT. -- Jeff McAdams Email: jeffm@iglou.com Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456