-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 The principle questions still stand unanswered: What is the motivation for this? What do you gain? Does it create some large architectural and performance in efficiency? - - ferg On 9/5/2014 12:27 PM, Murat Yuksel wrote:
As far as I understand, NDN's basic premise is to install "names" into the network layer. I don't think they (the NDN inventors) consider it as a new "app" at this point, even tough eventually it may merely stay as a new app.
I think the final thing that will determine the success of NDN is whether or not pushing names into the network layer rather than handling it at the app layer is going to return significant enough benefits. On the positive side, we will get rid of name -> address -> name mapping we are doing with DNS, we will enjoy content caching in routers themselves without relying on content servers to do it for us, and the story of upgrading to IPv6 will be over. :) On the negative side, we will have to deal with a whole new set of security and privacy issues (I can see a new wave of funding for cyber-security folks), we will need to revamp our routers (arguably which seems to attract Cisco so far) to handle names rather than IP addresses, and most importantly re-educate our practitioners to configure these "revamped" routers!
The key question is that do we really need to push the names into the network layer? I personally don't see this will happen, particularly as a replacement to TCP/IP as was laid down in the slashdot article. The best bet, IMHO, for NDN is to establish software-based NDN routers that maintain content tagged with names. One way to imagine I guess is to consider each router as a NAT box for this. I just can't see it replacing IP-based forwarding. We all wish things were so easy to change, but simply they are not.
On Sep 5, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Field, Brian <Brian_Field@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
Here¹s my $0.02. I¹m only going to touch on a small part of what I understand NDN to be‹ namely making caching a first class citizen of the network. When you think about the types of traffic currently carried over our collective networks, there might be value if the network eco system more natively supported caching.
Van¹s first paper proposing this NDN concept (afaik) was in 2009.
If we were to get into the ³way-back² machine to say 2003, when peer-2-peer was a big app, one might have then decided that we really need to make ³peer-2-peer² a first class citizen of the network. In fact the IETF tried [at some level] to do this with the DECADE WG. The app space evolved, p2p is no longer as prevalent, and DECADE saw/got little traction.
In 1998, we might have been thinking about making NNTP a first class citizen of the network.
Maybe we need to think about making *software* [instead of a specific service] a first class citizen of the network. What do I mean by this?
If software were a first class citizen of our networks in 2003, we might have hopped onto our routers and done a ³yum install decade²‹ which would install software that would make the network eco system more efficient at supporting p2p traffic.
Today, on our network eco system we might do a ³yum uninstall decade² and then do a ³yum install caching²‹ which might embed caching functionality into our routing eco system‹ hopefully making the delivery of cacheable content more efficient.
In N years, when there is yet another new app pushing the network eco system, we might then be doing a ³yum uninstall caching² and instead doing a ³yum install new-app² which would make the network eco system more efficient at supporting this new-app.
On 9/5/14, 8:16 AM, "Jay Ashworth" <jra@baylink.com> wrote:
How many Youtube subject tags will fit in *your* routers' TCAM?
[ Can someone convince me this isn't the biggest troll in the history of the internet? Cause it sounds like shoehorning DNS /and Google/ into IP in place of, y'know, IP addresses. ]
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://www.bcp38.info 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA BCP38: Ask For It By Name! +1 727 647 1274
======================================== Murat Yuksel Associate Professor Graduate Director Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Nevada - Reno 1664 N. Virginia Street, MS 171, Reno, NV 89557. Phone: +1 (775) 327 2246, Fax: +1 (775) 784 1877 E-mail: yuksem@cse.unr.edu Web: http://www.cse.unr.edu/~yuksem ========================================
- -- Paul Ferguson VP Threat Intelligence, IID PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2 Key fingerprint: 19EC 2945 FEE8 D6C8 58A1 CE53 2896 AC75 54DC 85B2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32) iF0EAREIAAYFAlQKESUACgkQKJasdVTchbJNHAD/ewvpcjDp9riZGaY2nQmt65gy GSmfQnKsgAPQw6fRC9QA+K3RZ8yb1DUCzxFzVpog+GpmOiQFBq1savUPwE0IRF0= =YGBf -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----